Friday, August 12, 2011


is dedicated to asking questions, (hopefully the right ones) about the power and consequences that our DIY mentalities dictate when it comes to our modern day survival methods and strategies. This is a story about how the creative process has managed to help me continue to ask questions about my own idea(l)s and thoughts about my natural(ized) existence. A platform to share DIY experiences that include, but go beyond reupholstering a fabulous, flea market find.  Ultimately to create a platform to where we can all share how we have progressed through the process of creating, volunteering, lecturing, DIYing, teaching, meditating, knitting, spellchecking, ctrl + alt + deleting, apple + v'ing.
So here's to the launch of DIY HEALING ARTZ , digital archiving on the web, and to all u-verse modems and installations teams out there, "thank you and good night."